Injustice Anywhere

Is a Threat to Justice Everywhere

Keeping the Flame of Justice Alive!

Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte
234 N. Sharon Amity Road
Charlotte, NC

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3rd Annual Social Justice Conference

LGBT: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Speakers and Panelists:

Connie Vetter
A Charlotte lawyer, Vetter has been actively involved in lobbying for pro-gay legislation in Raleigh, and is usually one of the first lawyers the gay community turns to if the legal dispute could turn on matters of sexual orientation.
Keith Bernard, a CPA, is Director of Finance for Time Warner Cable Adcast. He currently serves as co-Secretary of
the Lesbian and Gay Community Center Project of Greater Charlotte. He was on the committee which successfully petitioned for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte to become, by overwhelming vote of its membership, a Welcoming Congregation. He has previously served as co-chair of First Tuesday Association for Gay and Lesbian Equality, co-chair of the North Carolina Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality, and as a board member of the Charlotte chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. He was also a charter member of One Voice Chorus.
Rev. Amy Brooks
Community Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte and works at RAIN, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network.
Dr. J. Michael Grant is the accompanist of the One Voice Chorus and the Associate Director of Music and Organist at Christ Episcopal Church in Charlotte, NC.
Rev. Mick Hinson has been the pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte for the last 3.5 years. MCC-Charlotte is a part of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches denomination. With a nondiscrimination policy welcoming GLBT's, all people are able to fully participate in the life of the church.
Ed Farthing, an attorney specializing in LGBT issues in Hickory, was married with family before coming out. He is an elder in Presbyterian church.

Kimberly Melton, recipient of the 1997 Don King Community Service Award, in acknowledgement of the service and commitment to the Charlotte community that she has shown over the years in fighting for LGBT rights. For 17 years, Kim Melton has worked on the local and national level for the LGBT community.
Kevin Melody, St. Peter's Catholic Church and leader of Gay and Lesbian Concerns in the diocese.

One Voice Chorus brings gay, lesbian, and gay-supportive people together to celebrate our lives in song. Since 1989, when five Charlotteans met to form the Chorus, One Voice has grown into an important source of strength for our community. The 25 singers at our first rehearsal in January, 1990 have become a joyous and dedicated group of over 50 singers, support members and paid musical staff.
John Quillin is the Music Director of the One Voice Chorus. He also serves on the board of the Afro-American Cultural Center and Hope Haven, in addition to being the secretary of Gala Choruses.
Rebecca Putman identifies as a woman of transsexual experience. She lives in Charlotte with her partner and her cat.
Rev. Dr. Doug Reisner,
minister emeritus, Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte and one of the community leaders who help start Time Out Youth.
Jo Wyrick is the Executive Director of Equality NC, a statewide organization working to secure civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender North Carolinians. She is a native of Greensboro and a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill. Before moving to Equality NC, she worked in Democratic politics, and was involved in a number of campaigns, including those of Sen. John Edwards, Rep. Eva Clayton, Attorney General Roy Cooper and State Treasurer Richard Moore

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The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Conference of the Social Justice Conference 2002 seeks to:

  • Provide a safe and supportive forum for discourse about diverse LGBT issues
  • Examine the relationship between sexism, racism, and homophobia
  • Foster localized, grassroots networking among LGBT youth and their allies
  • Promote visibility of LGBT individuals and organizations throughout the Carolinas and the Southeast.

The conference theme is Looking Back and Moving Forward. A broad array of topics will coalesce around the idea of how LGBT people should deal with the twenty-first century, with emphasis on such topics as sex, health, politics, identity building, and cultural construction. The conference seeks to articulate the vast diversity of the LGBT communities through broad-based discourse.

This year the Social Justice Conference will be expanded to the entire first weekend of April, 2002.

The cost for each session is $5. However, pre-registration received prior to March 1 is only $3 per session or $10 for all 5 sessions. Checks should be made out to UUCC and sent with the form to: UUCC, c/o Social Justice Conference, 234 N. Sharon Amity Road, Charlotte, NC 28211.

If you would like to register for the conference, click here for the form to mail in.


The schedule for the LGBT Conference is:

Friday, April 5, 2002

6:40 - 7:00 PM One Voice Choir sings!
Director: John Quillin; Accompanist: Michael Grant

7:00 PM Welcome and Introduction to the Conference Keith Bernard

7:05 - 7:25 PM Opening Speech: "Looking Back"
Speaker: Rev. Mick Hinson

7:25 Presentation of the Social Justice Conference LGBT Award to Connie Vetter
Dr. Doug Reisner

7:30-8:00 Keynote Speech: "Moving Forward"
Connie Vetter

8:00 - 9:30 PM Panel Discussion: "Raising Awareness, Issues and Inclusion: Next Steps"
Panelists: Rev. Mick Hinson, Connie Vetter, Kimberly Melton, Kevin Melody, Jo Wyrick,
Rebecca Putman, Ed Farthing, Keith Bernard

9:30: Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall and Dance til Midnight

Sunday, April 7, 2002

10:30 Service: "The Spiritual Side of Social Action"
Rev. Amy Brooks

11:30 Coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall

12:30 Daryle Ryce, "The Queen of Jazz", performs

1:00 Presentation of the Social Justice Award 2002 and Introduction of Social Justice Conference Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Doug Reisner

1:05-1:30 Social Justice Conference Keynote Speech
Speaker: Melvin "Skip" Alston

1:30 Presentation of the Henry D. Thoreau Award 2002 and Introduction of Mel Watt
Rev. Dr. Doug Reisner

1:35-2:00 Keynote Speech
Speaker: Congressman Mel Watt

2:00 Panel Discussion:
"Social Justice 2002: Where Are We Going?"
Panelists: Mel Watt, Skip Alston, Cynthia Brown, Stephen Dear,
Dr. Rania Masri, Connie Vetter, Wally Kleucker
Moderator: Dr. Doug Reisner

3:30 Open Mike/Questions /Discussion

4:30 End of Conference with Light Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall