Injustice Anywhere

Is a Threat toJustice Everywhere

Keeping the Flame of Justice Alive!

Conference Sessions:



Registration Form

3rd Annual Social Justice Conference

Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte
234 N. Sharon Amity Road

Charlotte, NC


c/o Social Justice Conference
234 N. Sharon Amity Road
Charlotte, NC 28211


I would like to register for the following sessions:

Session 1: LGBT Friday, April 5, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM / Dance to midnight

Session 2: Peace/Civil Liberties Saturday, April 6, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Session 3: Economic Justice Saturday, April 6, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Session 4: Death Penalty Saturday, April 5, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Session 5: Final Session Sunday, April 5, 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM


I will be coming from outside the Charlotte area and would be interested in ....... ........ ................ receiving home hospitality on:
..................................... Friday night
..................................... Saturday night
................ being picked up at
..................................... the airport on April ___ at ______a.m/p.m.
..................................... the Amtrak station on April ___at ______a.m/p.m.

I am enclosing a check for the amount of $_____ for ___ conference sessions.

Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

City ________________________ State _______ Zip _________________

Email: _________________________ Phone: ________________________

Comments: ________________________________________________________



Pre-registration received prior to March 31 is only $3 per session or $10 for all 5 sessions. (This does not include meals.) Students are free for all sessions. Checks should be made out to UUCC and sent with the form to: UUCC, c/o Social Justice Conference, 234 N. Sharon Amity Road, Charlotte, NC 28211.

After April 1, the cost of each session is $5 or all 5 sessions for $15.

There are many restaurants just across the street from the conference including Pizza Hut, the Mellow Mushroom, Wendy's, Domino's Pizza, Bojangles, and an excellent Chinese restaurant, to mention a few. Cotswold Mall is within walking distance. You can also purchase food and drinks for reasonable prices in the Fellowship Hall during the conference.

Sponsored by the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte, the Social Justice Committee of St. Peter's Catholic Church, The Charlotte Area Greens, the Charlotte Coalition for a Moratorium Now and the Charlotte Coalition for Peace and Justice.

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